HomePet Supplies & AccessoriesMust-Have Supplies for New Puppy Owners

Must-Have Supplies for New Puppy Owners

Bringing home a new puppy can be an exciting and joyous experience. However, with that excitement comes the responsibility of providing your furry friend with all the necessary supplies for their health, safety, and overall well-being. As a new puppy owner, it’s important to have the right supplies to ensure a smooth transition for both you and your puppy. From food and water bowls to training pads, this article will discuss the must-have supplies for new puppy owners.

Food and Water Bowls

The first and most essential supply on the list is a set of food and water bowls. These bowls are not only necessary for feeding your puppy but also for keeping them hydrated throughout the day. When choosing food and water bowls, it’s important to consider the size and material. For puppies, it’s best to stick to ceramic or stainless steel bowls as they are more durable and easier to clean. Avoid plastic bowls as they can harbor bacteria and may cause skin irritation for some puppies.

Size Matters

Puppies come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s essential to select the right bowl size for your furry friend. A good rule of thumb is to choose a bowl that is about one and a half times the size of your puppy’s head. This will allow enough room for them to comfortably eat and drink without making a mess. Keep in mind that puppies grow quickly, so it’s best to invest in a larger bowl that they can grow into rather than constantly replacing smaller ones.

Elevated Bowls

Some pet owners opt for elevated food and water bowls for their puppies. While these can be beneficial for older dogs with joint problems, it’s not necessary for puppies. In fact, elevated bowls can sometimes lead to digestion issues and encourage your puppy to eat too quickly, causing discomfort. Stick to traditional bowls placed on the ground for your puppy’s health and well-being.

Table: Dos and Don’ts for Choosing Food and Water Bowls

Do Don’t
Choose ceramic or stainless steel bowls Use plastic bowls
Select a bowl that is one and a half times the size of your puppy’s head Choose an elevated bowl for puppies
Invest in a larger bowl for future growth Use a small bowl that your puppy will quickly outgrow

Puppy Food

Must-Have Supplies for New Puppy Owners

Puppy food is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growing puppies. It’s essential to choose the right puppy food to provide your furry friend with all the necessary nutrients for healthy development. When selecting puppy food, it’s important to consider the breed, size, and age of your puppy.

Breed and Size-Specific Food

Puppies come in different breeds, which means they have different nutritional needs. For example, large breed puppies require food with specific calcium levels to support their bone growth, while small breed puppies may need higher levels of protein for energy. Be sure to select puppy food that is tailored to your puppy’s breed and size for optimal health.

Age-Appropriate Food

Aside from breed and size, it’s also important to choose age-appropriate puppy food. Puppies have different nutritional needs depending on their age. For instance, younger puppies will need more calories and fat for growth, while older puppies may benefit from lower-calorie options to prevent excess weight gain. Look for labels that specify “puppy” rather than “adult” for the most suitable food for your furry friend.

Quality Matters

It’s essential to choose high-quality puppy food for your furry friend. Opt for brands that use real meat as the first ingredient and avoid those with fillers and by-products. Reading reviews and doing some research on different brands can also help you make an informed decision. Remember, your puppy’s diet plays a crucial role in their overall health, so investing in quality food is essential.

Table: What to Look for When Choosing Puppy Food

Breed and size-specific food Age-appropriate food High-quality ingredients
Choose food tailored to your puppy’s breed and size Select food labeled “puppy” Opt for brands with real meat as the first ingredient
Consider calcium levels for large breed puppies Be mindful of calorie intake based on age Avoid fillers and by-products
Check protein levels for energy Do some research and read reviews

Collar and Leash

Must-Have Supplies for New Puppy Owners

Collars and leashes are essential for keeping your puppy safe during walks and outdoor adventures. They also serve as a form of identification for your furry friend. When selecting a collar and leash, it’s important to consider the material, size, and purpose.

Material Matters

Similar to food and water bowls, it’s best to avoid plastic collars and leashes. Instead, opt for nylon or leather materials as they are more durable and comfortable for your puppy. Plastic collars can cause irritation and even rub off fur, while nylon and leather are gentler on their skin.

Size and Fit

It’s crucial to choose the right size and fit for your puppy’s collar. A collar that is too tight can be uncomfortable and restrict breathing, while a loose collar may easily slip off. To ensure a proper fit, you should be able to fit two fingers comfortably between the collar and your puppy’s neck. It’s also important to check the fit regularly as your puppy grows and adjust accordingly.

Purpose of the Leash

Leashes come in different lengths and styles, each serving a specific purpose. For puppies, a standard six-foot leash is usually sufficient for walks and training. Longer leashes can be used for more advanced training, while retractable leashes should be avoided as they can be dangerous for both you and your puppy.

Table: Tips for Choosing the Right Collar and Leash

Avoid plastic materials Choose nylon or leather collars and leashes Choose the right size and fit
Opt for a standard six-foot leash Avoid retractable leashes Check the fit regularly
Be mindful of purpose and style


Having a comfortable place for your puppy to sleep is essential for their overall well-being. A designated bed or sleeping area can also help with crate training and provide a sense of security for your puppy. When choosing bedding, consider the material, size, and purpose.

Material and Washability

When it comes to puppy bedding, it’s best to choose materials that are easy to clean and maintain. Machine-washable materials like cotton and fleece are ideal as they can easily be thrown in the wash for a quick clean. You should also avoid materials with loose threads or stuffing that can be a choking hazard for your furry friend.

Size and Fit

Similar to collars, it’s important to select a bed that is the right size for your puppy. Puppies should have enough space to comfortably stretch out and move around without feeling cramped. Consider the breed and growth potential of your puppy when selecting a bed to ensure they can use it for a long time.

Purpose of the Bed

Puppy beds come in different styles and shapes, each serving a specific purpose. Standard dog beds are perfect for everyday naps and sleep, while orthopedic beds can provide added comfort and support for older puppies or those with joint issues. You can even find heated beds for added warmth during colder months.

Table: Things to Consider When Choosing Puppy Bedding

Choose machine-washable materials Select the right size for your puppy Consider the purpose of the bed
Avoid materials with loose threads or stuffing Take into account your puppy’s breed and growth potential Opt for standard beds for everyday use
Consider orthopedic or heated beds for specific needs


A crate can serve as a safe and comfortable space for your puppy, similar to their designated bed. It can also aid in potty training and keep your puppy out of trouble when you’re not able to supervise them. When selecting a crate, it’s important to consider the size, material, and purpose.

Size and Growth Potential

Similar to beds, crates should be chosen based on the size and growth potential of your puppy. A crate that is too small can be uncomfortable and restrict movement, while one that is too big may encourage your puppy to use one end as a bathroom. Consider investing in a larger crate that your puppy can grow into rather than constantly replacing smaller ones.

Material Matters

Crates come in different materials, including wire, plastic, and fabric. Wire crates are the most popular choice as they are durable and allow for proper ventilation. Plastic crates are suitable for puppies who like to chew, while fabric crates are more portable and ideal for travel.

Purpose of the Crate

The purpose of the crate will also determine the style and features you will need. If you plan on using the crate for potty training, a divider panel can be useful for adjusting the size as your puppy grows. For travel purposes, a portable and lightweight crate may be a better option. Keep in mind that crates should never be used as punishment or confinement for long periods.

Table: Factors to Consider When Choosing a Crate

Choose a crate based on growth potential Wire crates are durable and well-ventilated Consider the purpose of the crate
Consider investing in a larger crate Plastic crates are suitable for chewers Use a divider panel for potty training
Fabric crates are portable and lightweight Avoid using the crate as punishment


Toys are not only a source of entertainment for your puppy but also essential for their physical and mental well-being. When selecting toys, it’s important to consider the material, size, and purpose.

Material and Durability

Puppies are known for their sharp teeth and love for chewing, so it’s essential to choose durable toys that can withstand their powerful bites. Opt for toys made of rubber or nylon, rather than plush or plastic materials. Avoid toys with small parts that can easily be chewed off and become a choking hazard.

Size and Chewing Habits

It’s crucial to choose toys that are the right size for your puppy and their chewing habits. Small toys can be a choking hazard for larger puppies, while bigger toys may be too tough for smaller breeds. Consider the durability of the toy based on your puppy’s chewing habits as well. For aggressive chewers, it’s best to choose toys specifically designed for tough chewers.

Purpose of the Toy

Toys can serve different purposes, from providing mental stimulation to aiding in teething and dental health. Interactive toys like puzzle toys can keep your puppy entertained and mentally stimulated, while chew toys can soothe sore gums and clean teeth. It’s essential to have a variety of toys to cater to your puppy’s different needs.

Table: Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing Puppy Toys

Choose toys made of rubber or nylon Consider size and chewing habits Have a variety of toys for different purposes
Avoid small parts that can be chewed off Opt for durable toys for aggressive chewers Provide interactive toys for mental stimulation
Choose chew toys for teething and dental health

Training Pads

Potty training is an essential part of owning a puppy, and training pads can be a useful tool in the process. These absorbent pads are designed to make cleanup easier and prevent accidents on your floors. When choosing training pads, it’s important to consider the size, material, and purpose.

Size and Absorbency

Training pads come in different sizes, so it’s important to choose one that is suitable for your puppy’s size. A pad that is too small may not provide enough coverage, while a bigger one may end up being wasted space. Consider the absorbency of the pad as well, especially for larger breeds or puppies with frequent accidents.

Material Matters

Training pads are typically made of either paper or fabric materials. Paper pads are more affordable but can be less durable and less environmentally friendly. Fabric pads, on the other hand, are reusable and washable, making them a more eco-friendly option. They can also save you money in the long run.

Purpose of the Pad

The purpose of the pad will also determine which type of training pad to choose. For outdoor training, paper pads may be sufficient, while fabric pads can be used for indoor training or as an alternative to disposable pads. Keep in mind that training pads should eventually be phased out once your puppy is fully potty trained.

Table: Tips for Choosing Training Pads for Your Puppy

Choose a pad based on your puppy’s size Consider the absorbency of the pad Choose between paper or fabric pads
Avoid pads that are too small or big Opt for eco-friendly fabric pads Determine the purpose of the pad
Phase out training pads once your puppy is fully potty trained

Grooming Supplies

Grooming is an essential part of caring for your puppy and keeping them clean and healthy. Having the right grooming supplies can make this task much more manageable. When choosing grooming supplies, it’s important to consider the type of fur and the needs of your puppy.

Type of Fur

Puppies come in different breeds with different types of fur, which means their grooming needs may vary. Long-haired puppies may require more frequent brushing to prevent mats and tangles, while short-haired puppies may only need occasional brushing. Consider investing in a slicker brush for long hair and a pin brush for short hair.

Grooming Needs

In addition to regular brushing, other grooming needs may include nail trimming, ear cleaning, and teeth brushing. For these tasks, you will need specific tools such as nail clippers, cotton balls, and toothbrushes. Opt for pet-specific products rather than using human grooming tools, as they are designed specifically for your puppy’s needs.

Table: Must-Have Grooming Supplies for Your Puppy

Slicker brush for long hair Pin brush for short hair Nail clippers
Cotton balls for ear cleaning Toothbrush and pet-specific toothpaste for teeth cleaning Consider specific needs based on your puppy’s breed
Avoid using human grooming tools

Identification Tags

Last but certainly not least, identification tags are a must-have for all dogs, including puppies. These tags serve as a form of identification in case your puppy gets lost or wanders off. When choosing identification tags, it’s important to consider the materials, information, and safety features.

Material and Information

Identification tags can be made of metal, plastic, or silicone, each with its own pros and cons. Metal tags are most durable but can be noisy, while plastic tags are quieter but less sturdy. Silicone tags are lightweight and flexible but may not last as long. As for information, be sure to include your puppy’s name, your contact information, and any important medical information.

Safety Features

Some identification tags come with added safety features, such as reflective material or glow-in-the-dark technology, which can be beneficial for night walks. You can also opt for a tag that slides onto the collar rather than dangling, which can reduce the risk of getting caught on something and causing harm to your puppy.

Table: Factors to Consider When Choosing Identification Tags

Choose between metal, plastic, or silicone Include important information on the tag Consider added safety features
Be mindful of durability and noise level Remember to include your contact information Opt for tags that slide onto the collar
Include any medical information if needed

Puppy Training Books or Resources

Aside from physical supplies, it’s essential to have some resources at hand when bringing home a new puppy. Raising and training a puppy can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can be a rewarding experience. When selecting training books or resources, consider the approach, author, and reviews.

Training Approach

There are different approaches to puppy training, and it’s crucial to find one that aligns with your values and beliefs. Positive reinforcement methods are generally recommended, as they focus on rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. Avoid sources that promote harsh training techniques or use outdated methods.

Author and Credentials

When choosing a training book or resource, it’s important to look into the author’s credentials and experience. Do they have a background in animal behavior or education? Have they worked with puppies before? Take the time to research the author or source to ensure you’re getting reliable and accurate information.

Reviews and Recommendations

Lastly, take the time to read reviews and ask for recommendations from trusted sources. Other pet owners can provide valuable insights into which resources have worked best for them and their puppies. You can also join online communities or forums to connect with other puppy owners and exchange tips and advice.

Table: Tips for Choosing Puppy Training Books or Resources

Look for positive reinforcement approaches Research the author’s credentials and experience Read reviews and ask for recommendations
Avoid sources that promote harsh training techniques Take the time to research the author or source Join online communities for additional support
Ask for recommendations from trusted sources


Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its own set of responsibilities. As a new puppy owner, it’s essential to have the right supplies to ensure your furry friend’s health, safety, and overall well-being. From food and water bowls to training books, this article has discussed the must-have supplies for new puppy owners. By considering your puppy’s size, needs, and breed, you can make informed decisions about which supplies are best suited for them. Remember, providing your puppy with the necessary supplies is not only beneficial for their health but also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.


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